Danish organic, agricultural, environmental and food links

Active Consumers - Denmark
Agricultural Economics - Aalborg University

Bellona Foundation - news and background on environmental issues
Biodania - organic fruit- and vegetables growers' organization
BSE-precautions in Denmark

Centre for Ecology and Environment (CENVIR) - The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
The Copenhagen Declaration - the first step towards a European Action Plan for organic food and farming
Cycling in Denmark

The Danish Agricultural Advisory Centre - a partnership, owned by the national farmers' organisations
Danish Agricultural Council
The Danish Association for Sustainable Communities - supporting a holistic lifestyle
The Danish Board of Technology
Danish Centre for Urban Ecology - supports sustainable planning and use of cities and towns
The Danish Consumer Council - independent of public authorities and commercial interests
The Danish Forest and Nature Agency - part of the Ministry of Environment and Energy
The Danish Environmental Research Programme - Aarhus University
Danish EPA - Environmental Protection Agency under the Ministry of Environment and Energy
Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences - Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
The Danish Organization for Renewable Energy - ngo with close relationship to the anti-nuclear movement
Danish Research Center for Organic Farming (DARCOF) - established by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture
The Danish Society for a Living Sea
The Danish Society for the Conservation of Nature
The Danish Society of Practical Ecology - organic gardening, farming and nursery
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration - dealing with food inspection and food legislation
The Danish Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association - information about wind energy
Department of Agricultural Sciences Section of Agroecology - The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
The Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agri Business - Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries

ECO-city 97-99 Project - integrating ecological solutions and models in an urban area of Copenhagen
Ecoguide - yearbook about the Danish organic sector
The Ecological Council - a Danish NGO promoting global sustainable development
Eco-Net - Network for Ecological Education and Practise
Eco Research Team - Technical University of Denmark
EcoMap Copenhagen - the map of ecological places in Copenhagen and selected sites on Zealand
Electric Vehicle Centre
Energy and Environment Offices - vikings and viking culture in Denmark
European Conference - Organic Food and Farming

Flint Internet Store - products with a human touch!
Folkecenter for Renewable Energy
Forest Stewardship Council Denmark - supporting sustainable forestry

Global Ecovillage Network - a grassroots non-profit organization linking ecovillages and related projects
The Green Database - information about green, ecological and sustainable attractions, products and events
Green Guides - local guides, supported by the Green Fund to make Danes think and act more "green"
The Green Fund - supporting initiatives getting people involved in promoting sustainable development
Green Holidays on Ærø - family holidays, relaxing, course, music-practice-camp, food
Green Information Center - an independent information center about environment and consumption
Green Network - a regional project for cooperation on environmental matters
Greenpeace Danmark
The GreenWeb Guide

IFOAM - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements

Miljøbutikken - the main information centre of Denmark's Ministry of Environment and Energy
Ministry of Environment and Energy, Denmark
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Denmark

The National Association of Local Authorities in Denmark - NALAD
National Consumer Agency of Denmark - Ministry of Trade and Industry
National Environmental Research Institute of Denmark - Ministry of Environment and Energy, Denmark.
Nepenthes - an environmental organization working for the sustaineble use of forests around the world
Nitrogen Fixation, Recycling and Leaching in Organic Cropping Systems (NICLEOS)
NJF - Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists
NOAH - the Danish section of Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) - News and facts about the Danish organic sector
Organic Development - regional service centre of Southern Jutland
Organic Farm Shops, Denmark - only in Danish, so far...
The Organic Service Centre
Organic Trade Services -  the UK’s first business to business portal site for the organic industry
Organisationen for Vedvarende Energi (OVE)

Risø National Laboratory - under the Danish Ministry of Information, Technology and Research
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University

Task Force on Animal Feeding - under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Third World Import - a non-profit organisation working for fair trade in the foodstuffs business

Web-agri - agricultural search engine
WWF - the Danish department of the World Wide Fund for Nature

Øgruppen - Danish Organic Trade Association
Øko-By 1997-1999 - integrating ecological solutions and models in an urban area in Copenhagen
Økoguiden - yearbook about the Danish organic sector
ØkoWeb Danmark - news and facts about the Danish organic sector

Organizations and relevant institutions are admitted on the list free of charge. Companies are admitted on the normal conditions of EcoWeb Denmark.

For admission contact phone (+45) 86 12 77 66